One point on which all sides agree is that unusual intelligence is the product of both environmental and genetic factors working together to influence brain development. Conservative definitions base identification on IQ scores and academic achievement alone, while more liberal interpretations may also recognize unique advanced abilities in subjective areas such as acting, leadership, art, and music. Please know what a difference you have all made in our lives.Among experts in the field, "giftedness" is a debated concept. I feel confident that we can support our daughter’s giftedness in ways that we truly want to, and help her to truly actualize her life purpose.
I believe this will be the extra piece that is going to allow her full abilities to come together and show through, and it is going to allow her to not be working so hard and so exhausted at the end of the day. Just truly, we thank you so very much. I can't really articulate how truly grateful we are to catch this now. I feel like her giftedness, progress, self-esteem, and love of learning could have been profoundly affected if that had not been identified.

I really don't have words for how grateful I am for that information. While we are certainly happy that the extreme creativity and verbal ability that we see in our daughter mean that she is definitely gifted, we both are actually even more thrilled that Linda caught the visual and auditory processing discrepancies. We provide options for testing for all families - regardless of location. Our assessment includes evaluation of all the material available to us, including previous test results. After contacting us , you will have a diagnostic consultation with a senior staff member to see explore which tests would be most beneficial in our comprehensive evaluation. When you come to GDC, our child-centered atmosphere enables your child to show us what he or she really knows. Such testing can change the trajectory of a child’s educational life by ensuring that strengths are emphasized and developed, and weaknesses are gently supported. Diagnostic tests for a disability, when needed, are invaluable to clarify a confusing struggle, and initiate early intervention. Achievement testing allows a consideration of current achievement levels and how fast a very bright child is progressing academically. Parent advocates generally find that sharing a child’s assessment on a comprehensive individual intelligence test greatly improves understanding of the gifted child’s learning needs. What about the elementary-aged child who already has a high school graduate reading level? What should teachers know to ensure continuous learning? Achievement tests at school often have low ceilings. Even an untreated visual processing weakness that would benefit quickly from vision exercises can lower scores and fail to document higher visual reasoning strengths. This is common if the child is asynchronous and earns variable scores, is twice exceptional or highly gifted.

We see a reasonable number of gifted children who fail to be identified for gifted programs based on IQ screeners at school. Most schools use achievement testing to measure growth and offer brief intelligence screening for gifted identification. A school or program for the gifted-with or without additional accommodations for weaknesses-seems warranted, but testing is needed to prove it. A twice exceptional child, viewed as bright but “lazy” by teachers, is seen by parents as working far too hard to complete homework. Students whose math knowledge has eclipsed their instruction in school may want to move forward. A child who couldn’t wait to enter school may soon complain that schoolwork is too easy. Many gifted children reach a point when further information about their educational needs is important.